St George Production


Where History
repeats itself





Home Page


H.G. Wells had his Time Machine, we have created our own Time Table.  At our table the world's greatest thinkers, legends and icons will gather to discuss their lives, their  philosophies and their dreams.


The Ghost Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, and Bram Stoker

The Melting Pot 

Three immigrant women, an Italian Catholic,

a German Jew, and an Irish Protestant,

arrive in the United States and discuss why they left

the “old country” and their aspirations for a new life in America .

First Ladies

Mary Todd Lincoln, Edith Wilson,

and Eleanor Roosevelt


Great Women of Art 

The story of renown artists Mary Cassatt,

Georgia O’Keeffe, and Freda Kahlo comes vividly

to life in the latest installment of our acclaimed Time Table series.















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