St George Production


Where History
repeats itself





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How Good is 99.9%

 How Good Is 99.9%?

No electricity, water, or heat 8.6 hours each year.

Two short or long unsafe landings at Kennedy Airport each day.

2 million documents lost by IRS per year.

20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions written per year.

Nearly 500 incorrect surgical operations per week.

22,000 checks deducted from wrong

bank accounts every hour.

12 babies given to the wrong parents each day.

More than 15,000 newborn babies accidentally

dropped by doctors or nurses each year.    

 2,000 lost articles of mail per hour.

  No telephone or TV transmissions

for nearly 10 minutes each week.

1,314 phone calls misplaced by   

telephone company each week.


Mediocrity In The Work Place

Mediocrity has become so commonplace it is now 

     an everyday standard accepted in the workplace.  

 The checkout cashier who relies on a cash register

 to compute correct change.  



 Children who can neither read nor write are pushed 

      through our school systems and into the workplace.  

 Incompetent workers who are promoted 

into new levels of incompetence.  

Politicians flaunt their lack of moral judgment 

and discipline rather than correct it. 


Television programs rely on titillation rather than talent, 

coarse sex rather than common sense. 


Our sports role models have become criminals, 

and our criminals have become martyrs.



Each day work ethics are set to a lower standard.   



We will not sacrifice our Standards or Ideals.  



We will continually strive for 

Outstanding Excellence 

    in each program we produce.  



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