St George Production


Where History
repeats itself





Home Sweet Home



Notes: Click on "Grade Quiz" (at bottom of form) to see how you do! Incorrect answers will be checked, and the number of correct aHome Pagenswers displayed. The quiz requires Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later, or MS Internet Explorer 4. It will not run correctly under earlier versions or other browsers.

1 The home of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks?
2 The Gould Estate in Lakewood New Jersey?
3 The country home of former New York Mayor William J. Gaynor?
4 The name of William K. Vanderbilt's Long Island Estate?
5 The California home of William Randolph Hearst?
6 The Home of Thomas Jefferson?
7 The Vanderbilt Estate in North Carolina?
8 The Astor Estate in Newport Rhode Island?
9 The Rockefeller Estate in the Hudson Valley?
10 The Hyde Park home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
11 The Stony Brook home of Astor orphan Alida Chandler?
12 The Southern Estate of Scarlett O'Hara?
13 The palatial estate of Citizen Kane?
14 The home of the New York City mayor
15 The Dallas home of J.R. Ewings?


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