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Notes: Click on "Grade Quiz" (at bottom of form) to see how you do! Incorrect answers will be checked, and the number of correct answers displayed. The quiz requires Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later, or MS Internet Explorer 4. It will not run correctly under earlier versions or other browsers.

1 Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
2 Who started America's first library?
3 What is the first English Settlement in America?
4 The Pilgrims came to America on which ship?
5 What was the name of the first Pilgrim settlement?
6 Columbus's three ships were the Nina, Pinta, and?
7 Who sewed the first American flag?
8 Who frightened America with his 1939 broadcast of "War of the Worlds?"
9 An early method of mail delivery was:
10 Salem Massachusetts if famous for this:
11 Walt Disney's Snow White featured Happy, Doc, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Grumpy, and:
12 The Wright Brothers plane was called:
13 What country gave us the Statue of Liberty?
14 Who invented peanut butter?
15 In Abbott & Costello's baseball routine, which base did "WHAT" play?


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